There can be no doubt that pedophilia today is associated with thoughts of cruelty and depraved behavior, and that it is treated with bitterness and hate. The Pedophile today is in a position that is not much different than any other oppressed class of previous generations. African humans were lynched in a time when they were “liberated from slavery,” thrown into the palms of a Capitalist tyranny. The hatred that is held for those who engage in pedophilia is savaged and brutal. One hundred years ago, there was no doubt what race a person was, so the government did nothing to stop the lynchings. Today, the government has gone to extensive steps to mark convicted sex offenders in public. Registered sex offenders are required by law to inform the public of their crimes. The government believes that prison was not enough, that torment and viciousness by an unjust society is not enough. The government has gone to steps to make sure that the public knows who is a Pedophile and who is not, recreating the lynching conditions that African humans had to suffer through.
What is the origin of this villification, this absolute hatred of pedophilia and its adherents? With only a little inquiry into the matter, it’s obvious to see the answer to this question. For centuries, or even milleniums, the greatest regard has been given for children, and particularly in the matter of sexuality. Only fifty years ago, parents forbid their children from dating others of another race; and they were backed up by the law. Only one hundred years ago, girls were not allowed to date without the explicit permission of the father. We go back even further, and we find that the law disallowed marriage between people unless the father of the bride gives consent. In fact, the marriage ceremony, as it is still practiced, symbolizes the father giving away his daughter as property. Fortunately, the lawgivers have been humane enough to give these people the right to date and to marry whomever they wish. Too many women have been condemned to live unhappy lives because of their fathers believing that they have the power to controll others. Maybe in a younger state of life, these fathers were men, pining for the affection and love of a young woman — but they were denied, because of the father’s ignorance and brutality. It’s funny how the oppressed moves to a station in life where he becomes the oppressor.
While a new society was brave enough to hold hands with justice and embrace Feminism, bold enough to allow each woman the right to her own life, society still holds bigotry and prejudice. From the same origins that put woman and child into subjegation — tightly bondaging the wrists of every woman to absurd prejudices — that made every man a first class citizen among subordinates, we still have the idea that pedophilia is a cruelty, a brutality, a thoughtless and ignorant practice. The poison of sexism made the flower of civilization wilt and weaken. Ignorance fueled cruelty. The result was this discrimination, this opposition to the idea that virtue is found in individuality, that kindness can come from any palm, that beauty is not restricted to obscure and outlandish rules. Most of those ideas, fortunately, are limited to history books and people still living in their own neanderthalic age. Sexism continues to die a little more every day, as the tree of liberty continues to grow strong and powerful. But, from this past era, we find these other ideas. These cruel ideas, that men can control the lives of women, we find the idea that pedophilia is abominable, a brutality, a greviance against the poor and innocent everywhere.
But, why… why is it that I could ever want something like pedophilia to be defended, or at least thrown in to the public light, where it can be considered? Why would I ever commit such a vile act? Some may ask these questions, and they will also say that I do nothing but stir the emotions of those who have been hurt, that my only accomplishment is to bring tears to those whose wounds we have tried to heal. To my reader, I must say this. I understand the situation of pedophilia in our society, I understand how it is considered by the members of society. I know that the hatred towards youthful sex runs long, deep, and in all channels. If our society ever bleeds its worries, it will say that it is afraid of drug dealers, afraid of radical political theorists, of murderers and rapists. We are afraid of the poverty that seems to drown us as we struggle to sing. We are afraid of the misery of third world nations coming to our door steps, of the constant turmoil in our own country, of terrorism, and we are afraid of child molestors. But, above all, child molestation is considered to be the most cruel of all things. They say that it stems from such sick, mentally defective individuals, that it targets the youngest and most defenseless of society, that it targets a part of the world that we naturally love and cherish the most, and above all, that it aims to harm this class of individuals with the worst crimes known to man.
Understand, my dear reader, that I know exactly what you are thinking when I step up to question the idea that pedophilia is bad. I know what light society has thrown on it.
But, let me say this much… I am gently offering a new idea. These are words on a page, my own opinion, which I have a right to. In this piece, I do not mean to offend, to insult, or otherwise to use words as a sword. My only enemy is ignorance. I only fight superstition and bigotry. All of my effort is directed with the fluid and beautiful motions of liberty — I try to live life as though I am writing poetry. I am questioning the condemnation of pedophilia not to create chaos in the minds of those who believe in honor and truth. I am questioning it so that an old idea is allowed its own right to a new consideration.
Imagine if the idea of Sexism was never challenged. Imagine if the domination of the male gender was forever wholly accepted. Think of the kind of society that would exist then. The idea of love, based on liberty and mutual reciprocity, would not be growing, but would be stagnant — it would not be allowing a new outlet of life for people, but it would be creating a new prison for women whose entire lives were already without freedom. The idea of liberty would not flourish, but it would decay. Imagine if the idea of Racism was never challenged. Think of schools continuing to teach children that they are superior because of skin color, filling their minds with lies and their souls with prejudice. Think of a nation founded on the irrevocable treachery of slavery. The spirit of justice would find its relief in the musings of those in shackles, poems written on prison walls. And let’s not solely consider social progress. Imagine of the antagonistic attitudes of the church were never questioned. Science would still be a handful of books with inaccurate information, history would just be a few chapters of the Bible, and literature would be the dead stories of the saints. The people of the past believed the earth to be the center of universe, that matter is simply composed of four elements, that astronomy is based on lies, that the theory of evolution was an attack on their religious sentiments as much as the theory of gravity. tri cycle